The Safer Drivers Course logo is a trade mark of Transport for NSW of 18 Lee St Chippendale NSW Australia

Safer Drivers Course for Young Leaner Drivers
ALL THINGS DRIVING is an accredited provider of the Transport for NSW Safer Drivers Course.

The Safer Drivers Course consists of two modules. Module 1 is a 3 hour theory / workshop session and Module 2 is a 2 hour driving session with 2 learners in the vehicle with the Coach. Module 2 is a 'coaching' session, not a traditional driving lesson. The learner will not be taught how to reverse park, steer the car, enter / exit roundabouts. It is all about putting into practice the strategies learnt in Module 1.
To be eligible for the Course, the learner must hold a current NSW Learner Driver Licence, be under the age of 25 and have completed at least 50 hours of actual driving. This includes driving lessons, however not the bonus hours.
We conduct these sessions regularly throughout the year. During school term they are held on a weekend and during school holidays during the week. All Things Driving usually completes both modules of the Safer Drivers Course on the same day. We provide morning tea and lunch for all participants. You are not allowed to use your own car for the Safer Drives Course.
The courses are run with 8-12 participants. If you would like to book with a friend and complete Module 2 in the car together, please let us know when registering. If you are on your own, we will pair you with another participant who has logged a similar number of hours.
For course dates please see the next page (Course Dates & Booking).

The Safer Drivers Course logo is a trade mark of Transport for NSW of 18 Lee St Chippendale NSW Australia